A client wanted to re-order an umbrella, the style previously purchased was no longer an option. We showed them a couple choices, instead they selected an umbrella from one of the supplier sites we'd shared; we advised them to look back at our suggestions. Why? This client needs to print in PMS match colors and multi-color imprint for adhering to their brand guide. By switching them to the umbrella we suggested we were able to save them over $300.00 on the order. Removing PMS match charges, multiple set up fees, run charges per color; plus the name brand piece was a lower unit cost.
It happens around 25% of the time, an order needs to be processed with our Partners Quick Turn Service. A client needs shirts embroidered by next Friday, but they also wanted to see samples first. Because we have a showroom, we did not need to order samples, instead we delivered a couple choices to them on Friday to compare and select for order processing on Monday. Additionally we pro-actively shared the digitized file with the decorator to make sure no edits would be required; making this process seamless and quick. Once the order is placed Monday, the shirts will arrive on Thursday, just in time to look sharp for a group event on Friday.
ART! By offering our clients expert and experience design services, we save time and produce better results. On of our local school partners will be partnering with us for floor mats at entrances for safety, signage to direct students and parents towards upcoming events as well as school procedures. Many of our clients think the want their products designed one way, but once they see choices they realize they want something completely different. By having Miranda and Sara work through design work BEFORE placing orders, we can save them time and money. How? Supplier proofs are a double-check. The proof from the supplier is meant to check that the file is correct and it's loading correctly for imprinting; it's not the time to edit the art file. Why? Our supplier partners process 1,000's of orders a day. When edits at the proofing stage are required there are usually fees for those changes and it adds to the production time line, which means orders may not arrive when needed because the supplier is not able to put the order into the production queue.
This weekend is the Got to be NC Festival and Burke Brothers Hardware has a booth to promote their store, located across from the Raleigh Fairgrounds, as your source and expert team for "everything". In fact they say, "If you can't find it at Burke's, it doesn't exist". While the tent design seems simple and the product straight-forward, we were able to compare tent options and accessories between suppliers. Miranda was able to show the owners several design choices before going into production. The result was a tent that "pops" outside.
More stories? A few are on our website, however our team has loads more stories woven into blog posts, white paper education materials and testimonials. Details Matter!
are Raleigh's local and independent hardware store. Family owned &
operated since 1936, Burke Brothers has been featured in Southern Living Magazine & Our State Magazine as one of the best hardware stores of North Carolina.
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