Sunday, December 30, 2018

What's Smart About Giving?

The month of December is filled with movies, novels, songs and even commercials framed around the narrative that it's more "blessed to give than receive". A recent blog post from one of our industry writers caught my attention with the title, "Five Ways To Be A Smart Giver". The post focused on Adam Grant, a Wharton professor and an organizational psychologist who's written a book titled, Give and Take: Why Helping Others Drives Our Success.

According to the blog post, the book outlines the benefits of giving, while cautioning when and how much to give in a business setting. His 5 tips include: 
  1. Offering assistance if it takes less than 5 minutes of time from your daily tasks
  2. Determining when & how to leverage your value and when to delegate
  3. Knowing how to work as a team- asking for help and acknowledging contributors on the team
  4. Making sure the time and talent you are giving is reciprocated by others 
  5. Make the most of your network of connections; connect resources and individuals
Over the past 11 years I've been volunteering in the community. What are 5 things I have learned from those opportunities?

  1. Being a good leader means making sure you build a good team- trusted, competent individuals who all bring different talents to the team
  2. As a volunteer, be willing to set boundaries for your time and talents- delegate!
  3. Work with people that are rowing the same direction
  4. Always connect people and resources, it lifts up the business community and makes us all stronger
  5. Observe and learn from the others on your team. Each brings perspectives, talents and resources that will benefit you at some point in your life's journey
As someone that "jumps in with both feet" and tends to run "full throttle" through life, I found this quote a somber reminder that balance is important- "Focus on forms of giving that don't force you to make trade-offs between your job and what other people need." Adam Grant

For 2019 I challenge you to find organizations to insert your time and talents; the experience will reward you with new friends and knowledge to apply another day. "You can sit on the side line and assume you know more than the coach & players, or you can get in the game and advance the ball" Olivia Scott

Where did we volunteer this year and previous years?  
Shopping local is good for your local community- take a look 
Where did our charitable contributions make an impact this year? 

Sources- Blogger Tina Filipski- PC Today-; Adam Grant is the author of Give And Take: Why Helping Others Drives Our Success, a New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller, as well as an organizational psychologist and a top-rated Wharton professor for seven consecutive years.

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