Thursday, May 17, 2018

All Drinkware Is Not Created Equal

There are about a dozen kinds of insulated bottles on the market, making it difficult to know which kind of insulated bottle is best for your specific needs. Which bottle is best for your lifestyle? We researched the varieties of insulated bottles to find the best bottle for you.

As you can see from the infographic below, the difference between these bottles lies in the space between the inner and outer walls of the bottle.
  • Air Insulation - air between walls, contents cold for 4 hours and hot for 2 hours
  • Foam Insulation - foam between walls, contents cold for 5 hours and hot for 3 hours
  • Vacuum Insulation - no air between walls, contents cold for 15 hours and hot for 5 hours
  • Copper and Vacuum Insulation - no air between walls AND copper plated inner wall, contents cold for up to 48 hours, hot for up to 12 hours

Results show that bottles insulated with copper and vacuums prove to have the longest amount of time for keeping your drink hot or cold. The reason for this is that the inner and outer wall do not touch each other. As we all learned in science class, heat is transferred by conduction, radiation, or convection. 

In relation to copper insulated water bottles, conduction is used to ensure that the the outer wall is cool to the touch when filled with a hot drink, and prevents condensation forming from cold drinks.

Having an inner wall made of copper is an excellent way for a hot drink to remain hot for long periods of time. The heat the drink radiates is absorbed by the copper wall. Because the inner and outer walls are separated, the inner copper wall has nothing to push the absorbed heat energy on to, so it is radiated right back into the hot drink.

The vacuum between the inner and outer wall prevents convection. As there is no gas in the vacuum for the hot or cold air to transfer to, the temperature of your drink will stay the same for an extended amount of time.

Though copper and vacuum insulated bottles are more expensive, the product is worth the money, because your drink will be at a constant temperature for hours on end, no matter how crazy your day becomes, things are crazy here at Promotional Partners with the pending move. 

Have your marked your calendar for the move? What move? Reading your monthly newsletters? We will be moved to our new location down the street by June 1! 219 North Salem Street Suite 200 in the Salem Street Promenade.

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