How about I answer that
question with a question? What makes a great painting? The beauty of art is
there is no one way to create a masterpiece. Understanding the basic principals
and elements of design allow the viewer to experience art yet create their own
perceptions. Some artists create with the intent to allow a variety of interpretation
and discussion, while others have a purpose that is captured quickly by the
viewer. In writing a case study the business might be presenting a very
straight forward message or they may be attempting to provide an image of how a
product or service was adapted to their client’s specific needs.
How to write a case study:
Define a character with
problem/aka the client
Be Concise, Be engaging
Explain the problem,
introduce the company
Account for how you've
helped solve a problem
Describe the change or
Wrap up with current state
of affairs- our competitive advantage is how we helped solve the problem and
result of allowing for a new direction or positive change.
How do we use case studies
to grow our business? Internally at Promotional Partners we work with our team
to highlight stories with partners that will inspire ideas for other clients in
similar industries; you've probably read one on this blog site or recieved one
as part of our on going partners brand education tips. While each client has
unique promotions, there are common core needs to driving business to the door
and acknowledging partners that help to grow your business. By focusing on how
a promotional piece was used by one of our clients we are reinforcing how
promotional products create results. Afterall, you come to our company for results and expertise right?
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