Saturday, March 14, 2015

The Power Of Influence; Continued

"The people who influence you are the people who believe in you."
Henry Drummond

The Power Of Influence, Part 2
What makes people say "yes" to your requests? Researchers have been studying influence for more than 60 years. While it's nice to think that we are all logical beings who study facts and information to guide our thinking and decision-making process, scientific research shows otherwise. Yesterday and today, Promotional Consultant Today is sharing six key principles of influence that can help you persuade others in the decision-making process. 

Yesterday's three key principles: Reciprocity, scarcity and authority.

Today's key principles: 

1. Consistency: People feel compelled to be consistent with their prior behaviors or statements they have made. When someone makes a commitment actively, either by writing it down or speaking it out loud, it's even more likely that they'll follow through with that commitment. You can activate the Consistency Principle by looking for or asking for small initial commitments. 

For example, suppose you want an employee to submit reports in a more timely manner. Once you believe you've won agreement, ask the employee to send you a summary of that decision in writing. By doing so, you'll have greatly increased the odds that the employee will fulfill the commitment, because people tend to live up to what they've written down. The key to using consistency successfully is to look for voluntary, active and public commitments … and get them in writing. 

2. Liking: People prefer to say "yes" to those they know and like. But what makes someone like you? Science tells us there are three important factors that contribute to likeability: 1) We like people who like us (and tell us); 2) We like people who are similar to us; and 3) We like people who cooperate with us toward mutual goals. 

The key to using Liking successfully is to be honest in your praise, find genuine similarities, uncover opportunities to work together toward common goals, and get to know people more meaningfully before talking business. 

3. Social Proof: Humans are social creatures. And as such, we rely heavily on the people around us for cues on how to think, feel and act. In other words, people look to the actions of others to determine their own. This is why using testimonials from happy and satisfied customers is so effective in marketing campaigns.
You can use social proof when attempting to get your ideas implemented. Imagine that you're trying to streamline your department's work processes, but a member of your group is resisting. Rather than try to convince this group member yourself, ask a couple of veteran employees who support the initiative to speak up for it at a team meeting. The veterans' testimonies will stand a much better chance of convincing the group member than yet another speech from the boss, as social proof is often better exerted horizontally rather than vertically. The key to using social proof successfully is to have others share their positive stories. 

Exert your influence today. In the end, you'll not only achieve your objectives, but you'll also guide the other party to the best decision for their needs. That's when true success transpires for everyone involved. 

Source: INFLUENCE AT WORK (IAW®) was founded by Robert Cialdini, Ph.D, professor emeritus of psychology and marketing and author of the New York Times bestseller, Influence. Dr. Cialdini is a highly sought after keynote presenter on the ethical business applications of the science of influence. Additionally, IAW offers customized, in-house Principles of Persuasion (POP) Workshops conducted by Cialdini Method Certified Trainers. 

Compiled by Cassandra Johnson- Promotional Consultant Today

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