Friday, July 12, 2019

Magnify Your Message!

I never thought I'd use my phone like a computer or mini tablet. However, I find myself searching websites at meetings away from the office or comparing photos of kids and pets with friends from my phone. Unless you have a giant screen on your phone, and I still have a 6 plus, you are going to have to try to zoom in on the feature you want someone to see.

If it's a photo like the image here, you want to see the entire image at once. If it's a website that you need to read for details about a product or an event, not having to zoom in on features could be very helpful; especially if there are others in the meeting trying to see the screen.

Make your phone function more like a tablet quickly with this innovative idea!

Looking for more new ideas, we'd love to share some fresh solutions to your brand message challenges!  For example does your business amplify other brands like ours or do you have something to say that needs a larger platform? Use the features of products to tie your message to consumers.

 Visit the showroom and flip these catalog pages for ideas!

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