"A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of
positive thoughts, events and outcomes. It is a catalyst and it sparks
extraordinary results. " stated Wade Boggs-
In reading a blog today, the suggestion was that ending your day on a positive note is just as important as starting it on a positive note! We've all heard the saying that the power of positive thinking can do amazing things, but what steps do we each take daily to stay positive?
There were several things mentioned in the blog that many of us do over here at Promotional Partners, and we added to the list.
Our list is called "Little Things" that make a big impact!
- Share- stories with co- workers for a few minutes, bring everyone a cookie you made last night, or a flower from your garden.
- Cross off, check mark or highlight your daily "to do" list- as you accomplish tasks
- Clearing your desk and filing before you leave for a fresh slate
- Making tomorrow's list before you leave, although if it's been a bad day that might make you less positive!
- Reflect on something positive about your day, a comment from a customer or co- worker, nice weather, a problem you solved, a good hair day, a pound or 2 lighter?
- Unplug- stop texting, reading, liking and commenting on posts. People tend to post the best in their life, don't let a bad day be the day to compare your life to what seems to be the life of others around you.
- Get up and walk around the block! If you work in Apex you probably see us walking around town enjoying the weather and looking shop windows and the neighborhoods around the downtown.What is your favorite way to "refresh" your perspective? If it's sharing a sweet treat, we don't judge!

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